
Cognitive Hypnotherapy is a short-term, solutions-focussed therapy which helps to change your unconscious thinking patterns, which means you can much more easily change your behaviour.

What happens in Hypnotherapy?

There’s no swinging pocket watch or ‘look into my eyes…’  It’s much more simple than that.  The ‘deep trance’ that you might have seen in stage hypnosis is not what we’re going to do.  You will remain completely aware throughout the process.  You can’t be made to do, or say, anything that you don’t want to. You’ll simply be in a very relaxed state, which allows us to talk directly to your unconscious much more easily.

What’s so interesting about our unconscious?

Do you ever find yourself doing things that you wish you didn’t do?  Trying (and sometimes failing) to overcome feelings you don’t want to have in certain situations?  Maybe you sometimes behave in ways you can’t really make sense of when you think about it later.  That’s your unconscious at work - usually just trying to do what it thinks is best for you in those situations. When you’re smoking, eating too much, eating too little, choosing bad relationships, becoming angry, anxious or depressed for ‘no reason’… even biting your nails, or other compulsive and unconscious behaviours: the likelihood is that your unconscious thinks that’s the best thing for you to do in that moment.